Monday, January 17, 2011

The Tree That Blooms In Winter

More snow is forecast, but the days are getting longer, a certain energy of impending rebirth is in the air, and I am reminded of this little tree that I photographed earlier in the winter.  I am not sure what kind of tree it is - perhaps a flowering almond?  But it was the small blossoms braving a bitter cold wind that caught my eye one day.  Spring was a long way off, but these little buds had opened, perhaps coaxed by the sun which had been especially kind on the days leading up to this.

I felt a kind of kinship to this young tree.  How many bright March mornings had I thrown on a t-shirt and bounced out of doors expecting the first warmth of spring, only to meet a cold that would last weeks longer?  Being creatures of nature, sensing and responding to the seasons,  it is easy, and often tempting, to be fooled. 

I thought, too, of how many times in my life I had felt driven, filled with an energy and certainty that the time for me to "blossom" had come.  Time moved on and nothing happened, yet here I was ready to explode with potential.  It was a painful and frustrating feeling, like all would go to waste.  I did not understand. 

Perhaps, after experiencing many cycles, this tree will learn to better gauge when the time is "right" to bloom.  Whether it can or not, I do not know.  I do hope it knows better than I did - to bloom in winter is not a waste.

To see a tree bloom in winter makes me smile. 

It shares with me the energy to move forward, past the cold, toward something fresh and new - to start the cycle over again.  I hope that, when seasons change, it will find the spirit to try again.

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